Saturday, January 23, 2010

PLO Tourney... Great run, TERRIBLE exit.

So I'm just going to write quick notes here and fill in the blanks later.

Played in a $1,500 guarenteed PLO tourney with near 1000 runners. Out in 38th. Had trip 7's, made full house on the river. 7s full of 5's. River gave my opponent QUAD 5's.

I wish I had taken a screenshot of the hand, but I closed the box quickly in disgust.

I realize this is PLO, but it was my first PLO tourney, and I had a huge chip stack and was playing well, so it was a tough loss I must say.

Now I'm railing my buddy Norman "Thieveryhand" L who is playing in a $2.20 ($1000 guaranteed) with a total prize pool of $9,668.00

The tournament is 6 hours old, and Norm currently sits in 6th. He's been floating around in the top five, moving up and down a few spots depending on a certain pot. He took a 200K + hit right before this screenshot, effecting his position.

More to come on his run.

"Thieveryhand" has seen quite the rollercoaster since the previous update. Thats what you've got to love about poker. It's been 50 minutes, and "Thieveryhand" has been playing good poker.

He did double up "etrain469" when the train rolled in with pocket aces, but quickly doubled himself back up with the hand seen below. "Thieveryhand" got his stack all-in preflop with AQ, and was snap-called by the A10 of "POOOOOPER". Neither player hit the flop, and when fourth street and the river ran dry, it was "Thieveryhand" who was smiling, doubling his stack to 1.1 million, propelling him back to the top 5 of the leaderboard.

After the double-up, "Thieveryhand" was not letting up. He continued with the agressive play, constantly applying the pressure, and raising in key spots. Simply by applying pressure, and not getting into many races, he has been able to build his stack up to 1.65 million with eleven players left. I will add another screenshot of the leaderboard once the final table is determined.

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