Thursday, January 21, 2010

Watchin' some poker....late night.

The above picture is of the final two tables of "The Nightly Hundred Grand".

There aren't too many runners left here who I can honestly say I'm familiar with, with the exception of "ImDaNuts". "ImDaNuts" was last weeks winner of the TLB(tournament leaderboard), which calculates TLB for every multi-table tournament that Pokerstars runs. So needless to say, "ImDaNuts" has been running very well lately. I will take more screenshots if any interesting hands come up in the final table.

2:15 am -- Starting the final table...

The above picture outlines where the chip stacks stood as we entered three-way action.

It didn't take long for action to pick up, as "metadonk" raised with A5 suited on the button. "viksha" as he had been doing for as late as I'd been watching him, called his raise out of position. In the near future, I will talk more about the theory of calling re-raising out of position late in tournaments, and what sort of range you are looking at in a position similar to this.

"metadonk" correctly got all his chips in after fourth street.. He had to think that his was as good as gold when flop came 9(C)10(C)5(D). When the 5(S) came on fourth street, making both players three-of-a-kind, you knew the money was going in, with "metadonk" WAYYYYYY ahead of "viksha", looking poised for a double up.

However fate had other plans for "viksha" and brought the 3(S) on the river to give him the full house, and setting ablaze the chat of fallen final tabelers, and supporters alike crying foul. For having watched the entire final table, I'd have to agree with the masses and say that it surely had to be "viksha"'s night. From start to finish, "viksha" didn't miss a beat, and ran extremely well, often coming from far behind to win massive pots.

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